Award-DEWT student Ong Xi Chun 2012

DEWT student Ong Xi Chun selected for the A*Star Science Award (Polytechnic)

Award-DEWT student Ong Xi Chun 2012
The Award includes coverage of monthly school fees and an allowance of S$2,000 per year. It is tenable for 2 years; however, continuation of the award in 3rd year is subject to excellent academic performance in 2nd year promotional examinations and continued interest in science and mathematics. The Award carries no bond.

Awardees have the opportunity to take up a research internship at A*STAR’s research institutes where they gain first-hand experience working on research projects, an immersion into R&D labs and opportunities to observe and interact with researchers at close range. In addition, awardees may conduct their final year projects at A*STAR research institutes.

Xi Chun, from the Diploma in Environmental Management and Water Technology (DEWT), one of the few Singapore Polytechnic (SP) students to be selected for the prestigious A*STAR Science Award (Polytechnic) has always loved Science. But her keen interest in Scientific Research and Development was ignited during her 3-month Internship Programme from March-June 2012 when she started on her Final Year Project (FYP) in SP, which she is currently working on with her team mates. Her passion for the field grew even more due to the numerous opportunities given to her by her FYP supervisor Dr Handojo to participate in various Science-related competitions locally and overseas.

It is indeed an honour for Xi Chun to be selected for the award and she has shown great potential in the pursuit of her studies in SP.

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