Our Location

We are located at Singapore Polytechnic, 500 Dover Road, Block T14, Level 3 Singapore Polytechnic

 tan_chee_seng@sp.edu.sg    +65 6870 8210

Directions to 5G & AIoT Centre


MRT Station (EW22 Dover)

To Commonwealth Avenue West, you can take bus number:
14, 74, 74e, 105, 106, 147, 166, 185, NR5, NR8

To Dover Road and Dover Avenue, you can take bus number:
14, 33, 74, 166, 196

Below are the bus stops which surround SP. Refer to the Campus Map for more bus stops and details.

Enter by GATE 8 along Commonwealth Ave (along MRT track). Turn right upon entering GATE 8 and park at the nearest parking lot.
