Brunei to get fully certified IMO trainers

14 Jan 2016

The Brunei Times, 13 Jan 2016 - Article featured senior lecturer at SP’s Singapore Maritime Academy (SMA), Captain Osman Sam, who is in Brunei to deliver the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)’s second fundamental training course for instructors. The first course, labelled 6.09 and delivered last September equips trainers with instructional techniques necessary to teach IMO courses to students, while the second 3.12 course gives instructors the tools necessary to assess these students. Captain Osman opined that the combination of the two courses would equip instructors will the ability to teach and assess IMO courses. Academic mentor at SMA, Mr David Tay, opined that the Institute of Brunei Technical Education has expressed their intention to SMA to run a second round of both trainer courses in the near future.


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