Survey result shows that youths are dependent on their mobile phones

10 Jan 2017

Shin Min Daily News, 11 Jan 2017 - Article featured the survey findings on smartphone dependency and “Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO), conducted by SP’s Diploma in Media and Communication (DMC) second-year students. A total of 780 youths, between the ages of 15 and 35 were interviewed in the survey. The study indicated that on average, youth surveyed had a score of 2.44 on the FOMO index. The DMC students shared that the ease of communication via social media platform has attributed to the fear of missing out in youths. Among the youths with higher than average FOMO score, 66.4% of them indicated that they cannot live without their smartphones. They are also more dependent on their smart phones for communication, far more than the youths with lower than average FMO. Janice Neo, one of the DMC students who conducted the survey, explained that youths are worried that their friends have more rewarding experiences than them and listed a real-life example.



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