Three organisations help SMEs test their products five times faster

10 Nov 2016

Lianhe Zaobao, 10 Nov 2016 - Article featured the new Lean Enterprise Development (LED) project launched by SP, Workforce Singapore (WSG) and Agilent Technologies to help the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) food manufacturers improve their efficiency and productivity in product testing and development. This project will also be extended to other industries including Biomedical Sciences, Chemicals, Oil & Gases and Environmental Technology. Agilent Technologies will be placing their mass spectrometer at SP while the poly will offer consultancy services and training on technology leverage and processes. Through the various equipment, the process of product testing and development will be shortened by more than five times, obtaining results with greater accuracy within a short span of four hours. SP will also develop technical notes from the various product testing and developments and share the relevant information through symposiums and other activities supported by WSG. Six SMEs including Gryphon Tea and Mr Bean International Pte Ltd, have expressed interest in this project.



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