ABS to Support Industrial-Grade, Cyber-Physical Platform for Shipboard OT

02 Nov 2022

ABS has been announced as the industry collaborator to build the Maritime Testbed of Shipboard Operational Technology (MariOT) Systems. The project is led by iTrust, Center for Research in Cyber Security at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), in collaboration with ABS and Singapore Polytechnic’s Centre of Excellence in Maritime Safety (CEMS). Daniel Zhang, Director of the CEMS at Singapore Polytechnic (SP), said, “With increasing digitalization and connectivity, modern ships will become more vulnerable to complex malicious cyberattacks. SP is honored to contribute our maritime cybersecurity expertise to the partnership with ABS and the SUTD in developing the world’s first Maritime Ship Onboard Technology (MariOT) hybrid simulation testbed in response to this clear and present threat. SP’s CEMS simulator platform will play an instrumental role in the success of the MariOT testbed in assessing our seafarers’ operational readiness to face and manage a cyber-intrusion on the shipboard with confidence.” Similar news reported in Energy Northern Perspective


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