IMDA launches roadmap to transform jobs and skills of tech workforce

13 Oct 2022

Minister for Communications and Information Josephine Teo launched the Jobs Transformation Map (JTM) for the Information and Communications (I&C) workforce at the 5G Learning Festival on 13 October 2022. The JTM has identified emerging tech trends that could impact future jobs, such as 5G and Internet of Things; Cloud Computing; Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics. This will influence the high demand for skilled workers in these areas. It also serves as a reference guide for employers when redesigning jobs and reskilling employees. Early efforts to upskill the local workforce has shown promising efforts through the Singapore 5G & Telecoms Academy, where over 7,000 locals have taken related courses in the past two years. The academy is managed by both SP and the National University of Singapore (NUS) as consortium partners. Similar news reported in The Straits Times, Business Times and Yahoo! Finance news.


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