New push to develop and retain more women in tech sector
13 May 2022
The Singapore Women in Tech (SGWIT), driven by the Infocomm Media Authority, and the five polytechnics signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the launch of the Cross-Polytechnic Girls in Tech (GIT) committee on 13 May 2022. The five polys will work with the Cross-Polytechnic GIT to explore collaborations to retain, develop and deepen girls’ interest in a career in the tech industry. This will be done through programmes such as talks, workshops, competitions and mentorship opportunities. SGWIT will support these activities with speakers, venues and sponsorship. Article also featured SP Diploma in Information Technology student Syakira Sulaiman, who is one of more than 70 girls that form the GIT committee. Similar news reported in 8world, Lianhe Zaobao and Berita Harian.
[The Straits Times]