Research: Youths who read news from websites have a higher knowledge in current affairs compared to youths who read news from the traditional media

21 Jan 2019

Article featured the Mass Media Research conducted by SP Diploma in Media & Communication (DMC) students. A survey was conducted among 802 youths aged between 15 to 35 years old and results showed that 87.3% of the respondents state that they read about current affairs from websites. Results also showed that youths who read news from websites tend to have better knowledge about current affairs compared to youths who read news from traditional media platforms (eg. TV and newspapers). SP DMC Year 2 student, Fu Jingwei, commented that the nature of social media allows youths to get information on current affairs efficiently, but it does not necessarily guarantee the authenticity of the news as the news may have come from unauthorized sources. (Lianhe Zaobao, p10)


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