Turning his interest in programming into a career

22 Sep 2020

Article featured 20-year-old SP Diploma in Computer Engineering alumnus, James Lin En Hui. The Institutional Medallist has always been curious about the world of programming since young. To fuel his interest, James would watch online videos about programming. During his time in SP, he met a lecturer who is an expert at programming and was inspired to develop his interest further. The lecturer also encouraged him to participate in a hackathon competition to strengthen his skills. Over time, James and a group of friends would always come up with new programming ideas. There were also given the opportunity to commercialise some of their ideas. As a result, they decided to start a programming company to develop ideas that would attract investors. James shared that the Covid-19 situation has made it hard to attract investors, thereby slowing the pace of the company, but he is determined to work hard towards developing innovative ideas. James is also the recipient of the Lee Hsien Loong Smart Nation Scholarship and will be working for GovTech upon completion of his undergraduate studies at the National University of Singapore. (Lianhe Zaobao, p6)

james lim

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