Using sight to overcome hearing disability

03 Jul 2018

Article featured SP Diploma in Chemical Engineering (DCHE) graduate, Andrew Chong, and his challenging educational journey. Andrew was born with hearing impairment and had a Cochlear implant at the age of ten to allow him to hear properly. He attended a normal secondary school and had to learn together with students with normal hearing. Andrew shared that understanding in class was challenging as he would not be able to hear his teacher or classmates properly. Despite the case, Andrew never gave up and would often consult his teachers and classmates whenever he falls behind in class. He has also learnt how to use his sight to observe and learn because of his deficiency in hearing. With his hard work, he successfully enrolled in his preferred diploma in SP. Moving forward, Andrew hopes to enrol in Chemical Engineering undergraduate courses and eventually work in the same field after graduation. (Lianhe Zaobao, p7)

Using sight to

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