Singapore ramps up training of new tech talent to support EV adoption

10 Mar 2024

According to a 2023 Electric Vehicle Industry Insights Report released by NTUC LearningHub, a high percentage (up to 80%) of business leaders surveyed expressed interest in hiring talent with electric vehicle (EV) expertise. Anticipating a talent gap for future development, Workforce Singapore launched the Sustainable Professionals for the Electric Vehicle Industry programme. Additionally, training institutions partnered with industry leaders to offer EV safety courses, while higher education institutions introduced relevant programmes. This multi-pronged approach involving government, academia, and industry aims to cultivate a workforce with strong EV knowledge. SP is actively involved in EV talent development. Since the 2020 financial year, 700 individuals have participated in their short courses (ranging from 8 to 32 hours) including the foundational EV course. According to Joe Yang, head of the EV team at SP’s School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, the training programmes attract a wide range of participants. These include EV owners, enthusiasts, automotive industry managers, mechanics, and even charging station installers.

[Lianhe Zaobao]



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