SP Company & Workforce Transformation (SP CWT)

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Type 0 Architects: Improving documentation processes across the organization 


Key Highlights:

  • Empowered teams with intensive trainings on BIM software Revit to more effectively leverage its capabilities
  • Provided 160 in-person training hours, and 32 online asynchronous hours
  • Crafted customised training sessions meticulously aligned with the unique requirements of the organization

Client’s perspective

Enterprise profile: Type0 Architects (Type0) is an architectural consultancy firm that supports organisations with development projects from their design phase all the way to compliance, building and construction. From working with designers to structural and mechanical engineers, Type0 is responsible for helping clients meet their aesthetic vision while ensuring building compliance.

Problem statement: As an architectural consultancy firm, being able to integrate design models and tools seamlessly is crucial to the business success. To that end, Type0 Architects utilised Revit, a Building Information Modelling (BIM) software, four years ago to enable more efficient documentation across its organisation. However, employees were not too familiar with the platform, and needed to be equipped with the knowledge and expertise to effectively leverage the capabilities of Revit. Type0 also needed to improve workflow coordination across the organisation to reduce abortive work.

Impact achieved: Singapore Polytechnic’s Digital Building Innovation Centre (DBIC) supported Type0 by providing them with a total of 160 in-person training hours and 32 online asynchronous hours on Revit software and BIM processes, tailored to their specific needs. The sessions were conducted on-site at Type0’s headquarters so that employees could immediately apply their knowledge to existing tools, leveraging the organisation’s data to see results in real-time.

Specifically, Type0 needed to create a BIM library of Revit families for Mass Engineered Timber (MET) construction for residential projects, so that they can be easily replicated in future projects. This would become a real time-saver, as architects would be able to select existing components in the library that have been pre-approved by the relevant authorities.

“We were trying to figure out the software on our own, until we started with this project-based training by DBIC. It became a more guided process in which we can now adopt BIM in a more procedural and logical way. We also understand the submission process better from a Singapore context as we prepare for IFC SG,” says Pan Yicheng, Principal Architect at Type0.

Upon completion of the training, employees at Type0 were able to confidently operate the Revit Software and BIM processes and integrate it into their existing workflow.


DBIC perspective

Bringing technical know-how to the workplace has always been the mission of DBIC, and through the SP Company and Workforce Transformation (CWT) project-based training, DBIC has been able to share their skills and expertise to support professionals in their workplace.

“Utilising MET in an appropriate way currently requires extensive collaboration with timber specialist consultants and structural engineers who specialise in timber, to submit the necessary structural drawings to BCA. Through this training, we were able to empower employees at Type0 to build their own object library with Revit, so they can save time and resources in the long run,” shares Juneita Juma’at, Senior Lecturer and Consultant at DBIC. “This is only the beginning of many more use cases for Type0, and I believe that with their knowledge of the software, the team is well on their way to innovating for their clients and the wider architecture ecosystem,” she adds.






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