The D3 (Damage Detection Drone)

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The Damage Detection Drone (D3)

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Another Drone (D3)


In the aviation industry, the engineering maintenance crew performs aircraft inspection on a routine basis. Due to the size of the aircraft, platforms and dockings are frequently utilised to facilitate aircraft damage inspection. Thus, a damage detection drone with photogrammetry function could conveniently assist to feedback to the maintenance crew of any crack or defect sustained by the aircraft.


The photogrammetry software which is coupled with the use of the drone will be utilised to perform routine inspection by aircraft maintenance personnel. This drone will assist engineers and technicians to inspect areas which are not accessible when there are no dockings or maintenance steps around. The images captured by the drone will then be assessed by qualified maintenance personnel to determine the presence of visible defects on the aircraft fuselage.

Project video

Project Video Clip

School: School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering

Course: Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering

Supervisor: Faizal Sain

Students: Ng Boon How Jacob, Francisco Julian Thomas Pantaleon, Yeo Fu Xiang, Marcus Wong Zheng Hao

SP Sustainability Matters