As Singapore moves to become a smart nation, the Singapore government has identified data analytics as an important growth sector and an important enabler for business and government to raise productivity, competitiveness and growth.

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A Data Science and Analytics Centre (DSAC) has been set up in Singapore Polytechnic to spearhead the SkillsFuture and Industry Transformation in applied data science and analytics for innovation, solutioning and training.

Our Specialist Diploma programs and short courses offer well structured, rigorous learning platforms for anyone who needs to apply essential Data Analytics skills in their current job, and prepares one to enter a career in Data Science.


Data Analytics Skills Series

Critical skillsets in Data Science include data visualization, quantitative strategies for data analysis, predictive modelling and risk evaluation, computational strategies to simulate system behaviour and building software agents to learn, improve, adapt and produce desired outcomes or task. 

Specialist Diploma in Data Science - Not One but Four!

We offer four Specialist diploma in Data Science that are designed to first equip students with fundamental of statistics and programming skills before advancing to modules that deepen data skills that span across the Data Science pipeline.


For more information on the training provided by DSAC, please contact

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