COURSE AIMSThe Powered Pleasure Craft Driving Licence (PPCDL) is required for driving of engine powered/jet-propelled pleasure craft (with SZ or SZH licence prefixes) within Singapore port limits.
powered boat
SUITABLE FORMembers of the public.
  1. Be at least 16 years of age.
  2. Have successfully completed an approved PPCDL course at any of the PPCDL Centres approved by MPA.
  3. Produce a valid certificate by a medical practitioner certifying that you have passed an eyesight test and are not physically handicapped.
  4. Successfully passed the PPCDL Examinations conducted by the Singapore Maritime Academy, Singapore Polytechnic.
FOR MORE INFORMATIONClick here for MPA Services, Procedures & Guidelines
Guidelines and Procedures for Booking the PPCDL Theory Test.PPCDL Theory Test is conducted on Tuesday and Thursday. (except public holidays) from 7 pm and 8 pm at Singapore Polytechnic, Dover Road, T1A54 (Teaching Block 1A, Level 5, Room 4).
Please bring along the following documents on the day of the test, Other you may not be allowed to take the test. 
  1. Identification Card with photo (NRIC or Passport)
  2. PPCDL Attendance Course Certificate from an authorised PPCDL Training Centre
  3. Medical Certificate/Report for Eyesight.

Click here for PPCDL English Theory Test E-Registration

Click here for PPCDL Malay Theory Test E-Registration

Click here for PPCDL Mandarin Theory Test E-Registration
PPCDL Practical Handling Assessment 

PPCDL Practical Handling Assessment is conducted on Saturdays (except public holidays) at 9.00am, 11:00am and 1.30 pm at Poly Marina, 50 West Coast Ferry Road.

Please bring along the following documents on the day of  the test, Otherwise you may not be allowed to take the test.

  1. Identification Card with photo (NRIC or Passport)
  2. PPCDL Theory Test Result Slip

Upon passing the Practical Handling Assessment, candidates will have to mail the result slip, a copy of NRIC/Passport and 2 recent passport-sized photographs to MPA's One Stop Document Centre to obtain their Powered Pleasure Craft Driving Licence (PPCDL).

Click here for PPCDL Handling Assessment E-Registration

PPCDLTheory ORAL Test (Mandarin, Malay & Tamil)Please email to Muhammad_Hizrian_CHAHRUL@sp.edu.sg for enquiries.
Please bring the following documents :-
  1. PPCDL Attendance Course Certificate
  2. Medical Certificate/Report for Eyesight
  3. Statutory Declaration (applicable to ORAL Test Only)
DOCUMENTSClick here for Medical Report Form
Click here for PPCDL Theory Test  Venue –T1A54 map
Click here for PPCDL Handling Assessment Test Venue – Poly Marina map
Click here for Singapore Maritime Academy Office

No postponement is allowed except for the following reasons:

a) Medical (to produce a valid Medical Certificate) b) Reservist/Mobilisation (to produce a valid supporting document)
c) No refund for Duplicate Bookings 


Attire for both the PPCDL Theory and Practical Examination

a) Candidates are to be dressed in proper attire.

b) Slippers and singlet are strictly NOT permitted.


You will not be allowed to sit for the examination if you are more than15 minutes late.

Contact UScontactus@sp.edu.sg
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