DSAC Makerspace Sep 2021 Holiday Challenge

November 12, 2021

AI Makerspace@SP is a satellite node of AI Makerspace by AI Singapore (AISG) at Singapore Polytechnic (SP). It was jointly setup by AISG and SP in 2020 to help SMEs and Start-ups accelerate the adoption of AI in Singapore.

A special Makerspace Holiday Challenge was launched in September 2021 for budding Year One AI enthusiasts. In this Challenge, students were required to pick any of the AI Brick developed by AISG to identify a use case that could leverage the selected AI Brick for real-world use.

The judging criteria were based on Completeness, Practicality and Clarity of submissions.

Three teams emerged as the finalists and they pitted against one another on 8 Oct 2021 to impress the two judges, Dr Edna Chan, Director of DSAC and Mr Koo Seng Meng, Senior Deputy Director with AI Singapore.

The winning team, “Give me a brieck”, consisting of Kaleb Nim, Xavier Tung and Soh Hong Yu, won the hearts of the judges with their working prototype coded using the AI Brick, Tag UI to automatically download attendance file after an online meeting and to flag out those participants who were late or absent. They aim to lighten the load of the teachers so that they can literally take a break. Congratulations to the team.


Working Prototype by the winning team “Give me a Brieck” using AI Brick, Tag UI

The quality of the teams’ submissions was very commendable considering that students only had about 10 days in total to form their teams, conceptualise and develop their ideas before submission. We hope to see more students joining future runs of the DSAC Makerspace Holiday Challenge to hone their AI skills.
