You may download the Admission and Finance forms by clicking on the links below. For guidelines on how to upload documents, please click here.

Full Time Diploma Admissions Forms Colour Vision Test Form
Singapore Citizens (SG) Enrolment Booklet (SG)
  • Parent's Declaration Form
  • Tuition Grant Declaration Form
  • NRIC (front and back)
  • Birth Certificate
SP Colour Vision Test Form
  • Only for selected courses
  • Please click the form and refer to Part A
Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) Enrolment Booklet (SPR)
  • Parent's Declaration Form
  • Tuition Grant Option Form
  • NRIC (front and back)
  • Birth Certificate
SP Colour Vision Test Form
  • Only for selected courses
  • Please click the form and refer to Part A
International Students (IS) Enrolment Booklet (IS)
  • Parent's Declaration Form
  • Tuition Grant Option Form
  • Passport
  • Birth Certificate

SP Medical Examination Form

ICA Medical Report Form

Diploma in Nautical Studies (DNS)
All Students offered DNS

DNS Medical Examination Form

ICA Medical Report Form (for International Students)

Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) Admissions Forms Colour Vision Test Form
Singapore Citizens (SG) and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) Enrolment Booklet PFP (SG and SPR)
  • Parent's Declaration Form
  • NRIC (front and back)
  • Birth Certificate
SP Colour Vision Test Form
  • Only for selected courses
  • Please click the form and refer to Part A
International Students

Enrolment Booklet PFP (IS)

  • Parent's Declaration Form
  • Passport
  • Birth Certificate

SP Medical Examination Form

ICA Medical Report Form

Singapore Citizens   
Singapore Permanent Residents  
International Students  

* For other supporting documents required from you, please refer to Task 3: Submit Documents.

* For hardcopy forms - obtainable at One Stop Centre or email contactus@sp.edu.sg for copy to be mailed.
SP Sustainability Matters