Young Entrepreneurs from Diploma in Integrated Events and Project Management (DEPM)

28 Oct 2019 - 18 Apr 2023

"When the going gets tough… have a picnic!

No one would consider studying for exams as a source of inspiration for a business. Nonetheless, that is exactly how Dwayne Low hit on the idea of starting Mats & Baskets – a business in planning picnics.

“I truly believe that it was the DEPM course and modules that kept my ideas and inspiration going. All the assignments that I have done during the course provided various opportunities to unleash my creativity and hone my critical thinking skills.” Together with his partner and co-founder of the business, Phang Wan Ying, also a student from DEPM, they are harnessing their strengths and capitalising on their differences to turn their dream to reality.

Now in their third year of study, Dwayne and Wan Ying are ready to build their future with Mats & Baskets; after all, to them, life is a picnic."

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Low Wen Hao Dwayne

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Phang Wan Ying

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A beautiful setup for one of their customers!
SP Sustainability Matters