A Date in Lion City | Technology made Easy: Electric Car

05 Mar 2021

The programme featured how local researchers in SP and TP are using technology to alleviate the pollution caused by the scrapping of electric car batteries. SP is currently testing out an internal battery system, inside an autonomous electric car, that detects and measures electrical current. Senior Lecturer Niu Tianfang from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering said that this system allows the car to function optimally, avoid breakdowns and problems associated with battery overcharging. The new battery, although pricier, takes 3 hours to charge and can be used up to 4 hours as compared to the old battery which takes 7 hours to charge and has a usage of 2 hours. It is also 40% lighter and is more environmentally friendly. SP is also looking to alleviate the problems caused by the mass usage of electric cars. One example is the abuse and hoarding of the electric charging stations. SP hopes to use internet of things technology to install sensors in the charging stations to monitor and control usage by users and also ensure that there are also preventive maintenance measures.

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SP Sustainability Matters