Launch of the Energy and Chemical Training Centre in SP

01 Aug 2019

News clip highlighted the launch of the Energy and Chemical Training Centre (ECTC) in SP, a one-stop centre that supports key process industries. The ECTC is a collaboration between SP and US-based manufacturer Emerson. In the next two years, the Centre will provide training for students and employees of more than 30 companies from the energy and chemicals, pharmaceutical, and biopharmaceutical sectors. The Centre aims to close skills gaps and tap on advanced technology to boost productivity. Speaking at the launch ceremony, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry & Ministry of Education, Mr Chee Hong Tat, noted the importance of the energy and chemical industries, which accounts for 3.3% of Singapore's GDP and employs about 27,500 people. The relevant segment starts from 16:20. Similar story was reported in Channel 8. 

[Channel NewsAsia]


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