Programmes on Finance Management has extended to four polytechnics
19 May 2018
Article featured the My Money@Campus programme that was promoted in SP last Friday. The programme aims to instil the importance of Finance Management in students. Students will get to attend lectures conducted by industry practitioners, young investors and financial planners. The lesson content will include basic knowledge about financial planning and investment. Minister for Education, Mr Ong Ye Kung graced the event and commented that it is good to train students in finance management as it will help them when they enter the working world, as well as help to share it with their families and friends. SP Diploma in Business Information Technology student, Chew Woon Hong, who took part in a financial literacy programme shared how the programme taught him to distinguish between a need and a want. He intends to take up more financial literacy programmes and hopefully save enough money to start his own business one day. (Lianhe Zaobao, p9)