PTC to look into extending student concession fares for ‘transition period’ after graduation

29 May 2024

The Public Transport Council (PTC) will look into extending concessionary fares to graduating students, for the transition period before they enter their next education stage or join the workforce. Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat wrote on Facebook on 28 May that he has asked the PTC to look into this as part of the 2024 fare review exercise, following feedback from parents and students. Currently, for instance, students leaving secondary schools qualify for concessionary fares for only the first month after they graduate. For those entering polytechnic, where the academic year starts in April, they face a two-month period during which they have to pay adult fares. Mr Chee said the move, if eventually rolled out, will also help other groups of students like those from the ITE going to the polytechnics, or secondary school students going to ITE. The prices of various hybrid monthly passes that can be used for buses and trains for different concessionary groups were cut by up to 10 per cent. SP Diploma in Aerospace Electronics student Bryce Sim, who started his first term in April 2024, found himself topping up his stored value card more frequently while working as an intern at a Catholic organisation after finishing his secondary school. Similar news reported in Lianhe Zaobao, Shin Min Daily, Oli96.8fm, Channel News Asia, Channel 5, Suria and Vasantham.

[The Straits Times]


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