Report: Singapore's carbon emissions are expected to peak in 2025 before falling

15 Dec 2023

The inaugural GreenGov.SG report was launched at SP on 15 December, where SP Principal and CEO Soh Wai Wah mentioned that SP is committed to achieving its goal of reducing carbon emissions by 40 per cent by 2030. This will be achieved through investing in infrastructure upgrades such as air conditioning and cooling equipment. The initial installation costs can be offset by significant energy savings in the long run. The GreenGov.SG report detailed carbon emissions, as well as water and electricity usage by the public sector and its assets, and shared some of the moves the public sector is employing to improve environmental sustainability. It showed that the public sector accounted for 7.2 per cent of total carbon emissions produced in Singapore in FY2021, but emitted 5.4 per cent less carbon than FY2020 in FY2022.

[Lianhe Zaobao]

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