Why young investors should relook how they consume information online

06 Apr 2023

Article reported that for their final year project, a group of NTU Communication students strove to find out how young investors aged between 18 and 30 consumed financial information on the Internet. Named SavvyMiners, the project spanned two semesters, or about a year – with preparations beginning in March 2022 and the formal launch of the campaign in November. The students found that 60 per cent of the participants in the project did not know much about investing and went online to look for information, and that when the participants looked for information, they tended to read stuff they were already interested in or that confirmed their existing beliefs. The Institute for Financial Literacy at SP, the outreach arm of MoneySense, Singapore’s national financial education programme, provided the students with expert opinion and advice.

[The Straits Times]

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