Willing to go the distance for her dreams

13 Sep 2019

Article featured 22-year-old SP Design graduate, Cai Yiting. Yiting was under the Integrated Programme (IP) in a prestigious school when she decided to switch to a polytechnic education. She shared that the IP could not support her interest in design and technology and found that pursuing a polytechnic education would be most suitable. She was drawn to the field of design and technology after being exposed to the software programme, Adobe Photoshop, when she was in Primary Four. Since then, she studied the programme on her own and was even able to teach her grandfather after. Yiting also noted that her time in SP was very spent as it provided her with relevant and useful skills for the design industry. It also allowed her to find a User Experience position after graduation. Although she was content with her job, her ultimate goal is to use design and technology to improve the quality of life for others, especially for kids and seniors. For her dedication and hard work, she was awarded the Smart Nation Scholarship and will work at GovTech after her undergraduate studies at the Singapore Management University. (Lianhe Zaobao, p9)

willing to go the distance for her dreams

SP Sustainability Matters