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RINC 2021 - “5G and Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) for the Enterprises”

The annual Regional Industry Networking Conference (RINC) is an iconic industry conference organised by SP since 2002. RINC provides a platform for local and regional participants to share and discuss industry trends, and the latest developments and innovations in the various engineering themes. The illustrious history of RINC has seen almost 4800 industry participants learning about the latest technologies, 100 companies exhibiting their products at the conference, and 150 conference speakers presenting papers. 

In this year’s edition, RINC 2021 will focus on topics under the theme of 5G and Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) for the Enterprises – including how 5G & AIoT can be applied in advanced manufacturing and smart estates/buildings to bring about industry and community transformation. Distinguished speakers from Ericsson and Singtel will share their insights on the transformative impact on businesses that 5G enables, both in the international as well as local arena; and what it takes for businesses to embark on this journey towards an intelligent and digital future. 

In keeping with Covid-19 Safe Management Measures, RINC 2021 will be held in Virtual format.


RINC Regional Industral Networking Conference 2021

In Collaboration with

SP Sustainability Matters