
Pipe Climbing Robot


This Robot is built to traverse along and around a pipe using Magnetic Adhesion. Its unique configuration allows it to rotate about the pipe to align itself in any direction. The Robot comes with a camera system to transmit live video to the user and is able to take photos of the surface of the pipe.


This remote controlled robot uses magnetic wheels to adhere to the metal pipes. Using a joint in the body, it is able to align itself along the pipe in any direction. Using an on-board camera and a 3 DOF arm, it is able to transmit close up video of the pipe's surface to the user.


Robot on the top of the pipe.


Robot moving along the side of the pipe.


Robot on the side of the pipe.


Robot on the top of the pipe.

Project Video Clip

Project Thematic Number: IA09M

Theme: Industrial & Automation

School: School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering

Course: Diploma in Mechatronics and Robotics

Supervisor: Thevaraja Ramu

Students: Wilson Cheah Chunhoong, Bjorn Ong Kang Jie, Tan Yaw Liing

SP Engineering Show 2018

SP Sustainability Matters