Diploma holders shining in their jobs

01 Sep 2014

Channel 8 - Frontline, 29 Aug 2014 - Diploma in Visual Effects and Motion Graphics alumnus and institutional medalist, Mr James Ng was interviewed for his views on the ASPIRE direction, that a university degree is not the only way to success. James explained that he opted out of the IP scheme at secondary school and chose poly as he felt it was a more applied way of learning, which would suit his interest and pursuit of a digital media career better. He feels that many students enter university without really understanding the purpose and may tend to emphasise on acquiring the ‘paper’. He will be entering university after serving his National Service and lets on that he is doing so as he would like to develop deeper knowledge before entering the industry. The programme also featured SP’s Diploma in Chemical Engineering graduate, Mr Tan Kian Hwee, who rose through the ranks to become a manager in Sembcorp despite having only a diploma. Watch the video here.



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