Ex-construction worker, now a citizen and grateful S’pore is ‘safe, secure home for my family’

29 Jul 2023

When Mr Nadanasigamani Senthil came to Singapore in 1995 at the age of 20 and worked as a construction worker, drawing just $16 a day. Now, Mr Senthil is director of electrical engineering firm Triple Power Engineering, and the chairman of the Indian activities executive committee at Cheng San Community Club. When he first came here on a work permit, he lived in construction sites for more than two years while squirrelling away what he could to pay for part-time studies at SP and the ITE. He recalled how difficult it was for migrant workers back then. Despite the struggle, he attained qualifications in electrical installation from the polytechnic in 1996 and ITE in 1997, which he then used to get an Employment Pass. While he was happy about upgrading himself and the opportunities, it was an incident in 1998 that cemented his dream of making Singapore his home.


AO - Ex-construction worker, now a citizen and grateful S’pore is ‘safe, secure home for my family’ (29 July)
SP Sustainability Matters