
Diploma of Interior Design students and tutors, in collaboration with the Ministry of National Development, conduct research on the future of workplace design.


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work and live. The pandemic have upended assumptions about corporate interactions and the nature of the work environment. Organizations must reimagine their work and the role of offices in creating safe, productive, and enjoyable jobs and lives for employees. Our team of Diploma of Interior Design students and tutors were given the task of researching the future of the workplace along with the Ministry of National Development. Building upon data collected by MND, Team SP developed & conducted a 1-day Co-creation workshop with MND'S employees. Connecting research from MND & the co-creation workshop by SP, the SP team sieved out key ideas to formulate design strategies to enhance the future office experience. Our young designers gained invaluable knowledge and experience through the collaboration. Be it how to build empathy and facilitate dialogues, or to work with real world considerations to better their design and value add. Hence enhancing their journey as aspiring interior designers.




SP Sustainability Matters