Bringing real-life learning into Process Safety Engineering

16 Nov 2022

Forty-six graduate students from the National University of Singapore College of Design and Engineering (NUS CDE) MSc Safety, Health & Environmental Technology’s (SHE) programme attended the first of a series of practical workshops at SP Energy & Chemicals Training Centre (ECTC) on 10 November 2022. This is a pilot programme carried out in the Interactive Plant Environment (IPE) at ECTC equipped with an Integrated Pilot Plant and Distributed Control System.

ECTC-NUS Workshop

This was the first of three collaborative workshops conducted by NUS and SP lecturers, which complements the students’ learning in Process Safety Fundamentals, Engineering and Digitalisation in NUS’ SHE curriculum.

“This experiential stopover at ECTC – Integrated Pilot Plant (IPP) is a collaboration to provide the graduate students with a complementing session to synthesise their earlier learning on process safety engineering. The life-size setup of ECTC-IPP, comprising a gas absorber, liquid-liquid extractor and a vacuum distillation column, allowed the students to come close and up-front with the process equipment and instruments in a safe, well-controlled and conducive learning environment. This synergy between NUS-ChBE and SP School of Chemical & Life Sciences (CLS) harnesses the strengths of each institution to provide optimal learning for the MSc SHE graduate students studying process safety engineering,” said Associate Professor SIN Siang-Meng, Ivan, Programme Chair for MSc SHE at the NUS College of Design and Engineering Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering.

ECTC-NUS Workshop-1


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