DBT Learning Fest 2018

06 Dec 2018

"It was fun and enriching going for the workshop. The trainers were very helpful and well-informed of what they needed to do.” High praise indeed from a participant at the inaugural DBT Learning Fest, especially when the trainers were their own peers from the Diploma in Biotechnology (DBT).

The Diploma in Biotechnology Student Chapter initiated the inaugural DBT Learning Fest in November 2018. This event aims to foster a learning culture within the Diploma in Biotechnology (DBT). A series of workshops were conducted in collaboration with Education and Career Guidance (ECG) counsellors, and staff from the school of Chemical and Life Sciences (CLS). The students were given opportunities to be trainers in various areas and to share interesting insights in various areas. Going by Amos Wong’s comment, a DBT student trainer for the note-taking workshop, the learning fest provided unique teaching and learning experience for both trainees and trainers.

“Through the process of planning, I had to work together with a few of my juniors. I would say that I have developed the ability to work and collaborate with people of different working styles. I have become more confident through this.”

The Student Chapter looks forward to organising DBT Learning Fest 2019 with new workshops and new skills to be learnt!

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Participants at Terrarium-making workshop
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Workshop student trainer and participants


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