Internship experience of an Applied Chemistry student

03 Jan 2022

For Tan Yi Jing Britney, her internship program at Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd include running chemical analysis and the collection of data for the development and validation of scientific and testing equipment platforms. One such equipment is the liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry instrument for which Britney has to operate LabSolutions software to run analysis and perform troubleshooting. 

She has also been assisting chemists in the preparation of training materials for laboratory analysts.  This proved timely on 9 December 2021 as she was requested by Shimadzu to brief a contingent of visitors from SP.  They were on site to renew a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Shimadzu to grow the SMARTLab initiative.  This is Singapore’s first and only platform to support enterprises from the energy and chemicals sector in the digitalisation of their laboratories.

Britney conducting a laboratory demonstration at Shimadzu’s Living LC station

Click here to read about the MoU signing with Shimadzu. 

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