Did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci was also an Engineer? Despite being known as an artist, Leonardo was among the first to design and build flying machines and instruments of war, as well as practical theories and concepts in engineering, mathematics, and science, many of which were centuries ahead of their times.

Find out more about Leonardo and his inventions, as well as the creative ways on how Engineering can impact the world through the links below:

Hope Technik

Local company Hope Technik creates high-performance engineering technology for companies. Watch this video to check out their projects: fire trucks, space planes, unmanned ground and air surveillance vehicles and more!.

Leonardo Da Vinci – Painter, Mathematician, Scientist and Engineer

Find out how Engineering has been impacting the world since ancient times.

What are the different branches of Engineering?

Interested to learn about Engineering? Check out the School of EEE and School of MAE home pages to see the courses SP offers.

Windowless Airplanes Will Be Here In Less Than A Decade.

You can be a step closer to creating the planes of the future through our Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering and Diploma in Aerospace Electronics courses.

10 Greatest Modern Day Engineering Marvels Of The World

Interested to find out how the different engineering disciplines behind these marvels? Check out the School of EEE and School of MAE home pages to take a look at our engineering courses.

Energy systems of the future

Find out how energy will be used and managed in the future resource-scarce world. Impact the world and make a different through our Diploma in Energy Systems and Management course.

SP Sustainability Matters