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Singapore Maritime Academy

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E-Harbour Craft Design & Development 3.0

The project is aligned to Singapore's revised NDC target to peak emissions at 60 MtCO2e around 2030 and LEDS aspiration to halve emissions from peak to 30 MtCO2e with the view of achieving net zero emission by 2050. The project team partnered with Az Marine to design and develop a scaled-down model of a fully electrically driven 13-metre launch boat that harnesses solar energy to power the propulsion drive independent of hydro-carbon based fuel.

Click to find out more!

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Cargo Hold Cleaner 2.0

Used for risky cargo hold cleaning and inspections in a Bulk Carrier, this method eliminates the use of scaffolding. The means of access is the top of the cargo hold and it hangs off the side of a cargo hold opening with a trolley-like channel and deploys a ladder leading to a platform to support the personnel. This is a much safer option with improved thoroughness of inspection and cleaning.

Click to find out more!

SPES2023 Video Highlights

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Projects from other Schools/Centres:

Architecture & Built Environment Chemical & Life Sciences School of Computing Electrical & Electronics Engg. Mechanical & Aeronautical Engg. Technology, Innovation & Enterprise FabLab
SP Sustainability Matters