Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign - DrugFreeSG Light-Up 2021

21 Oct 2021

Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign (ADAC) is an annual event organised by the National Council Against Drug Abuse (NCADA) and Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB). A group of students from the Diploma in Integrated Events & Project Management (DEPM) was involved in planning and execute various campaign activities.

As part of the campaign, the DEPM students planned and managed social media posts on the anti-drug Instagram account ( The aim of this account is to spread anti-drug awareness and promote various events hosted by CNB to younger target audiences.

They assisted in planning and executing the publicity on social media for the DrugFreeSG Light-Up 2021 (on 26 June 2021) which was held to commemorate the ‘International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking’.  

Anit Drug Abuse Campaign 2021

SP Sustainability Matters