DLA Alumni Career Talk 2022

09 Dec 2022

On 31 Aug 2022, DLA Lecturer, Marilyn organized an Alumni Career Talk. She connected with six DLA (Diploma in Landscape Architecture) alumni from different university and professional backgrounds to give a career talk to current DLA students.

Marilyn even managed to get Terry to share his experiences online as he has started his own studio in China and based there now. He outlined his internship in DLA, career path in Singapore in the private sector, embarking on his Bachelor in Landscape Architecture in New Zealand, working in big organizations in China as a Landscape Architect and now owning his own design business in China. He informed his juniors about the many aspects of LA (landscape architecture) projects and different emphasis in different LA companies and it is important to shape one’s own philosophy in the landscape architectural practice.

After pursing her degree in RMIT, Australia, Peiqin worked in the private sector designing landscapes for private residences where she discovered her strengths and interests in community engagement and decided to direct her passion in nature and plants. Peiqin now works in NParks and shared immensely about community engagement work she is truly passionate about. She spoke about how it is crucial to understand cultural sensitivities during site analysis for projects.

Giving insights to Bachelor in Architecture and Landscape Architecture in UK was Wan Hei who worked in two companies in Singapore’s private sector. She was getting ready to be back in the UK to start her Masters program in the University of Sheffield. She showcased her work from her university degree and said how much she has learnt from her colleagues when working as they are from different cultures; they have impressed upon her that landscape architecture professional practice reduces carbon footprint. 

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Group picture of DLA Alumni Career Talk Speakers and participants held in Singapore Main Library venue.

Charmaine who works in JTC shared her perspectives from the client side. She shared that project management is essential in landscape architecture as she works on big-scale parks whereby she meets people from several government agencies as well. She motivated her juniors as she spoke about how when one is willing to learn, there will always be someone willing to teach in a workplace. She shared how her university life in RMIT, Australia taught her how to be independent.    

Emphasizing how plant knowledge is vital in the LA profession was Chester. He encouraged his juniors to work first to gain skills and more knowledge after DLA, to think of it as exposure to the profession and to believe and trust the process. Sharing about his experience in the private sector in an LA consultancy firm as a Horticultural Officer, he had great sense of achievement as he was involved in different phases of LA projects. Now, Chester is an undergraduate in BLA (Bachelor in Landscape Architecture), NUS where he enjoying his learning journey.  

Jade showcased work from RMIT, Australia where the design process and thinking was abstract and poetic even when learning about hardscape materials. She gave insights to how materiality can affect users’ experiences in landscape spaces crafted by Landscape Architects. Having work experiences in overseas projects and large parks, she motivated her juniors that designers need to create narratives for the spaces they design and to always draw back the essence of the site when embarking on design.  

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Jade sharing her university work with current DLA students.

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DLA Alumni Speakers (from left) with lecturers. Lecturers Marilyn, Charmaine, Peigin, Jade, Wan Hei, Lecturer Emily and Chester (Terry gave his talk online as he is stationed in China).

This face-to-face event energized the DLA students who had key takeaways from their seniors:

“University is different from polytechnic as every education stage is different and our mind-sets should change.”

“One key take away that I have learnt from this event is the different perspectives each of the speakers gave and how differently each of them experienced after SP. There are many paths after DLA and it is up to us which path we want to take.”

“I have learnt it is alright to work before further studies after DLA, so I really know if which area to focus on.”

“It does not matter how long we take to finish studying, what matters is the things we learn.”

“I got to know Landscape Architecture profession in government, different companies and the different scale of projects my seniors worked on. Now I understand better for a landscape architecture professional to work on projects that are community based which is essential.”

The event ended off with a lucky draw where delighted lucky winners went home with Starbucks vouchers.  


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