International Building Design Competition in conjunction with IBEW Week 2019

08 Jan 2020

4 teams from the Singapore Polytechnic clinched the top 3 prizes and 1 merit prize in the International Building Design Competition 2019.

The International Building Design Competition 2019 was jointly organised by Building Construction Authority (BCA) and Singapore Polytechnic (SP), in conjunction with the International Built Environment Week (IBEW) 2019.

A total of 36 teams from various Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) registered.  They comprise of local and international participants.

The design theme this year is to “Explore Sustainability in BIM, together with PPVC (prefabricated prefinished volumetric construction)”, and the site location is at Coney Island.  Participants were introduced to a series of workshops and hands-on sessions by the industry. 

The 4 teams from SP consists of students from different diplomas, i.e. Diploma in Architecture, Diploma in Landscape Architecture, Diploma in Civil Engineering and Diploma in Energy Systems and Management. The cross-disciplinary teams enable students to work together and harness on each other’s expertise and knowledge.

IBEW 1st prize winner_1000x500
Team The Zookeepers - 1st Prize Winner

IBEW 2nd prize winner 1000x500
Team iDeal - 2nd Prize Winner

IBEW 3rd prize winner 1000x500
Team Impact - 3rd Prize Winner

IBEW Merit Winner 1000x500
Team Bimming - Merit Prize Winner

IBEW prize presentation 1000x500
At IBEW prize presentation



SP Sustainability Matters