NYC-Somerset Belt Office and *Scape empowering youths by collaborating with DLA

05 Jun 2023

Forty Diploma in Landscape Architecture (DLA) Year 3 students were tasked with a 10-days design challenge to Re-Imagine Somerset Belt! spaces with the aim to attract more youths to take interest and own the spaces. This is a collaborative project led by SP DLA Senior Lecturer, Ms Toh Sok Na; is supported by National Youth Council (NYC)-Somerset Belt Office and *Scape to gather design ideas for project plots: Somerset Skate Park, Somerset Youth Park and *SCAPE Playspace.

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NYC-Somerset Belt Office and *Scape teams hosted a site visit for DLA Year 3 students and teaching staff introducing the project brief and highlighting the issues of the different plots.

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DLA students and teaching staff are grateful to the teams from NYC-Somerset Belt Office and *Scape for their time and efforts for this opportunity to this real-life project to empower youths. By the end of the challenge, teams from NYC-Somerset Belt Office & *Scape were invited to visit SP-DLA design studio for a Project Showcase to provide feedback to students for their learning. The student’s work was curated in a project webpage for public feedback: Re-Imagine Somerset.

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The bustle in SP-DLA design studio during design feedback session for students' learning.

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This valuable session enabled students getting first-hand exposure to answer queries about their design ideas, thereby strengthening their passion towards design and one step closer to achieving their aspirations as designers of the future. A big thank you to NYC-Somerset Belt Office & *Scape teams

SP Sustainability Matters