Sustainable design knowledge shared by BCA Team in DLA module

06 Jun 2023

In Apr 2023, Diploma in Landscape Architecture (DLA) teaching team launched a new domain specific module, Design for Safety & Maintainability (DFS) for School of Architecture & the Built Environment students. The module aims to discuss insights into sustainable design with considerations for safety and maintainability. The pioneer DFS class has 20 students; with a mix of Year 3 students from Diploma in Landscape Architecture (DLA), Diploma in Interior Design (DID) and Diploma in Architecture (DARCH). To enhance their knowledge of the topic, invited guests from Building Control Authority (BCA) conducted two informative learning sessions with a learning activity for the DFS students. The learning outcomes will contribute towards their preparation for Final-Year-Project and future application in work.

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BCA Building Plan and Universal Design Department, Senior Architect, Mr Lee Jie Hao (standing) shares about Building Control Regulations, Accessibility Code and Universal Design Guide with DFS students to enhance their understanding in social sustainability through fostering inclusive design.

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BCA Facility Management Transformation Department (FMTD), Principal Manager, Mr Deva Lutchia (standing, right) and Executive Manager, Ar. Lai Junhong (standing, left) shares their topic knowledge with a learning activity to enhance DFS students’ understanding about sustainable design for maintenance.

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Learning activity designed and facilitated by BCA FMTD Team.

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BCA FMTD team with DFS students.
SP Sustainability Matters