Anugerah Khas Mendaki Award 2017 for DLA Graduate

Mohamad Arif bin Mohamad Azmi graduated with a Diploma in Landscape Architecture (DLA). Arif was awarded the Anugerah Khas Mendaki for excellent academic achievement at polytechnic diploma level that recognizes Malay students for academic excellence and encourages students to pursue higher education. About 200 students received awards from polytechnics and LaSalle College.


Minister of Higher Education, Second Minister of Defence Mr Ong Ye Kung presented the award to Arif


During Arif’s 3-year study in DLA, he had won many awards, was awarded scholarships and participated in community service. Arif is a pleasant and well-mannered student; he is also a responsible and competent class representative. His classmates looked up to him as a leader and big brother for advice and support. Overall, Arif is inspiring and a good role model.

Now, Arif is working as a Horticulture Officer for Town Council (Horticulturist for E M Service Pte Ltd). He is in charge of the overall maintenance of trees and landscape sites. His duties also include supervising contractors, liaising with related government agencies regarding horticultural works and advise on horticulture and landscape design. He deems he is able to apply the skills in landscape design, government regulations and horticulture knowledge learnt in DLA, to real-life job. In his daily life at his workplace, Arif meets people from all walks of life and professionals of the built environment. Arif aspires to contribute his expertise to create a safe, practical, sustainable and beautiful environment for people living in his designated housing estate.


SP Sustainability Matters