Applied Chemistry alumnus in medical school

24 Feb 2022

Our heartiest congratulations to Dominic Ma (Class of 2019) for being accepted into Medical School, University of Adelaide, Australia. 

 As a class leader from the Diploma in Applied Chemistry (DPAC) course, Dominic displayed excellent responsibility, leadership and caringness towards his peers.  A former ACS boy, Dominic attended several overseas SP programmes like the Overseas Community Service Programme at China, Overseas Cultural Exchange Programme at Japan, Learning Express (Social Innovation Programme) at the Philippines, and Overseas Leadership Development Programme at Malaysia. 

"While volunteering in community service, both overseas and local, I always felt that I could do more if only I had the proper training and skills to help more people in need. This ignited my desire to want to learn more about medical skills, which started with learning First Aid and CPR and finally culminated in wanting to get into Medical School, in the hope of one day being able to help others more professionally.

Singapore Polytechnic provided me a place where I could grow and learn more about the world. The unrelenting support and guidance of my lecturers through my studies and application journey was what kept me going and allowed me to persevere in order to achieve my dream."

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