CLS alumni shine at A*STAR Scholarship Award Ceremony 2019

30 Jul 2019

The new success is yet another milestone in these SP graduates’ success stories. Four graduates from the Diploma in Biomedical Science (DBS), Diploma in Biotechnology (DBT) and Diploma in Perfumery and Cosmetic Science (DPCS) were awarded various A*STAR Scholarships to pursue their dreams in Science research. To these graduates, congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!
  • Foo Yan Ling (DBS) – A*STAR Undergraduate Scholarship
  • Tan Tze Kai (DBT) – National Science Scholarship, PhD
  • Teo Ren Yi (DBT) - A*STAR Graduate Scholarship, PhD
  • Yep Liang Wei Benjamin (DPCS) - A*STAR Undergraduate Scholarship
Foo Yan Ling Tan Tze Kai 
 Teo Ren Yi Benjamin Yep



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