Will TikTok replace Google? Some Gen Z say it's better

31 Dec 2023

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Gen Z: TikTok has better search features than Google

31 Dec 2023

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2024 plans for celebrity parents: Sheikh Haikel, Anna Belle Francis have 25th wedding anniversary

31 Dec 2023

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Is TikTok the new Google? Some Gen Zs think it's even better

31 Dec 2023

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The five local polytechnics have improved their courses in response to market demand

29 Dec 2023

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University students invent “Teeny Pot” gardening kit for River Hongbao Hackathon

29 Dec 2023

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A guide to all five Polytechnic Open Houses 2024

27 Dec 2023

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A*STAR collaborates with 7 IHLs to standardise local robotics courses

24 Dec 2023

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Polytechnics launch new course, students can major in generative artificial intelligence next year

24 Dec 2023

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Lingo Bingo featuring SP students

23 Dec 2023

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Singapore Comic Con 2023 goes ‘MAD’: SP students get chance to showcase work at signature exhibition

21 Dec 2023

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Reducing single-use items a priority in public sector’s first environmental sustainability report

16 Dec 2023

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Ever had a negative-calorie meal? This is how ‘zero-calorie’ foods measure up

16 Dec 2023

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More Chinese restaurants having kid’s meal to gain children’s favour

16 Dec 2023

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Inaugural GreenGov.SG Report: carbon emissions in the public sector has reduced, but water and electricity consumption increased slightly

15 Dec 2023

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The inaugural public sector sustainability report on reducing carbon emissions is published

15 Dec 2023

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Report: Singapore's carbon emissions are expected to peak in 2025 before falling

15 Dec 2023

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Inaugural GreenGov.SG Report: National carbon emissions decreased but water and electricity consumption has gone up

15 Dec 2023

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TikTok launches youth mentorship programme to nurture talents from tertiary institutes in Singapore

12 Dec 2023

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Talking Point - Zero Calories: Can It Be Real?

08 Dec 2023

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Enhancing robotics skills while learning!

04 Dec 2023

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SP Sustainability Matters