Performance Assessment of 3D Scanners and Reverse Engineering

3D scanners ID13D scanned model of leg with ankle support model

3D scanners ID2Students scanning an ankle using the scanner

This project was implemented to recognize the importance of the use of 3D scanners in applications such as the healthcare industry. Tests were crafted to assess the accuracy and precision of the 3D scanners for the extent of its performance as an effective metrological equipment for reverse engineering. Tests were also performed on the scanning software to identify the optimum post processing settings. An ideal and suitable scanner was chosen to scan a patient’s leg and was used as reference for the design and fabrication of an ankle brace. The completed CAD of the ankle brace was 3D-printed. As it was specially customized, it was efficient in helping the patient recover from ankle injury.

A fabricated ankle brace using a 3D scanning and 3D printing approach offers a unique fit, can be easily removed and is more comfortable when compared to traditional casting. As the use of 3D scanners and printers are not widely utilized in the healthcare industry, the team hopes to encourage its application through the implementation of this project, as the method can be used to conveniently build many more developing biomedical products.

Project Video


David Tan


Nurul Khadijah Binte Sanusi, Saw Yuwaddy Htut, Toh Jun Sheng


Diploma in Bioengineering



SP Sustainability Matters