5G & AIoT Technology Hub

About the Tech hub

This Hub is part of the core Technology Hubs under the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. It focuses on developing staff and students’ capabilities in the enabling technologies that drive IoT applications and Smart Solutions, together with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 5G network connection.

The Hub aspires to be the catalyst that provides technical consultations, trainings, and seminars in the areas of AI, IoT, embedded systems applications, smart devices, wireless applications, cloud computing, cybersecurity, data analytics and 5G technology.

A typical AIoT eco-system would comprise the following stages and respective enabling technologies:

Typical stagesEnabling technologies
1.Collect Sensors, micro-controllers
2.Communicate Wireless communication technologies
3.Connect Web technologies
4.Cloud Cloud computing, application programming
5.Comprehend AI and Data analytics
6.Create Smart devices, mobile and web applications

The implementation of projects in these technologies provides an effective training platform for the future engineers in smart solutions.

Summary of AIOT


The Hub is located at Block T14, Lab T1433.

5G & AIoT


Capabilities and Technical Services

The 5G & AIoT Technology hub provides consultancy, customised training, and project development services in the following technology areas:

  • 5G Networks
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Cloud Computing Architecture
  • Embedded microcontrollers such as PICs of Microchip Technology, Arduinos and Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) processors
  • Web applications development (client-server programming, databases etc.)
  • Mobile applications development (both iOS and Android)
  • Wireless communication technologies (5G, WIFI, Bluetooth, GPRS, GPS, ZIGBEE, RFID, LORA, SIGFOX, etc.)
  • Computer networking, cybersecurity, cloud systems, AI and data analytics

Backed by the robust experiences of our academic and research staff, the hub also has ongoing project collaborations with other government agencies, businesses and industry partners.

Project Showcase

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The 5G & AIoT Technology hub promotes a wide array of applied R&D projects undertaken by students and staff. Some of the current projects are listed below:

  1. AIOT Nerve Centre for integrated monitoring and management.
  2. Video-based Carpark Occupancy System
  3. Video Analytic System for attendance taking and behaviour. 
  4. Video-based Smoke and Fire Detection System
  5. Remote Energy Monitoring System with Analytics.
  6. Smart Facility Management Systems and Smart Office Systems.
  7. Cloud-based Intelligent Environment Control System.
  8. AI in Wireless Sensor Network.
  9. Advanced Manufacturing Smart Workflow, Digital Twin and Remote Field Assistant.
  10. Autonomous Electric Vehicle for Patrolling.
  11. AI Inspection for buildings and solar panels.
  12. High Tech Farming.

Media on 5G & AIoT: ‘ Rapid progress’ made with 3,000 S’poreans trained in 5G skills in national drive: https://www.straitstimes.com/tech/tech-news/fast-progress-made-with-3000-sporeans-trained-in-5g-skills-in-national-drive


The hub has worked with the following partners:

  • Singtel / Ericsson
  • Bosch
  • Advantech
  • Envision
  • ...and many more

Courses and seminars

AIOT hub

The hub has conducted many tailor-made and continuing education training (CET) courses, some of which are listed here:

  • Introduction to 5G Technology and Applications
  • 5G Learning Journey
  • IoT – Overview and Applications
  • Introduction to Python Programming and Mobile Applications Development
  • Python Programming for IoT
  • IoT and Hybrid Mobile Applications Development
  • Appreciation of IoT and Data Management
  • Building an AIoT Project
  • Digital Technologies for a Smart City
  • Amazon Web Services Cloud Computing Architecture
  • Practical Approach to Cloud Computing
  • Practical Approach to Wireless and Computer Networks
  • Cyber Defense, Network Security and Info-Communications Technologies
  • Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity
  • CCNA Routing and Switching courses
  • Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Analytics for Industrial Applications

Contact Information

chua KC

Chua Kay Chiang
Manager, Technology Development
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Email: Chua_Kay_Chiang@sp.edu.sg
Phone: 6772 1442
Fax: 6772 1974

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