SEEE team, the only Poly team among winners!

07 Jul 2016

Students from DEEE and DASE participated in the annual Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge (SAUVC) held from 4- 6 March 2016 in Singapore. The competition required them to perform several tasks underwater without any remote control. The students were able to perform all the tasks for which the robot was designed such as going through a gate, detecting a bucket of a certain colour and delivering a payload at the designated area. The system was built and developed by students, Ng Si Hao Joseph, Ong Kee Eng, Choo Qi Yao Leow Kuan Chieh, Li Kit Wa and You Zhiwei, from the Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DEEE) as well as Zay Yar Htun from the Diploma in Aerospace Electronics (DASE) as part of their final year project, under the supervision of Rubaina Khan and Dr M Fikret Ercan.  The team won third place and was the only polytechnic among all the participants from local and international universities. The students received certificates from IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society and a cash prize of $1000.

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