Course Date:
21 Apr 2025 to 31 Mar 2026
Registration Period:
01 Dec 2024 to 02 Mar 2025
PDC1: 2 evenings per week, 6.30pm-10.30pm,PDC2: 3 evenings per week, 6.30pm-10.30pm
Mode of Training:
Singapore Polytechnic
Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit
Please note that once the maximum class size is reached, the online registration will be closed. You may register your interest and be notified when there is a new run.
Class schedule:
2-3 evenings a week
6:30pm - 10:30pm
Course Duration:
300 hours (1 year)
PDC to start with:
For course specific details, please contact the course manager:
Name: Mr Kwa Teck Poey
Email: KWA_Teck_Poey@sp.edu.sg
Contact No: 67721840
For other enquiries, please email to ptenquiry@sp.edu.sg
Rapid advances in Internet technologies and applications, and the subsequent proliferation of economic activity on the Internet have ushered in the digital age where virtually every organization wants to leverage this massive and ubiquitous public technology infrastructure. However, many companies have overlooked the need for cyber security. With online threats becoming more sophisticated in recent years, cyber security risks pose a challenge to many companies. The global threat of malware and hackers has never been higher, and the shortage of experts who can fight them has never been more acute. Rising demand for cybersecurity-related skillsets, in part to support the nation's Smart Nation vision, means that there is an urgent need for personnel trained in Network Security.
In the survey on Infocomm Media Manpower conducted by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) in 2018, IT Security Operations Analysts/Engineers were identified as critical emerging Tech specialist roles. Enterprises have projected that the demand for such specialists will grow by 4,700 in the period of 2018 – 2020.
Cisco Consultant, Mr Wong Kwok Foong, has this to say about the importance of securing networks, “As we are entering an era of connecting the unconnected, utilizing more data than ever for work, safety and play, the network has become an integral part of any emerging technology. However, these technologies will only work as designed when they are not compromised by security threats. Expertise in the areas of networking and security are very important in today’s digital market to help enterprises gain competitive advantage through technology adoption, given the dynamic nature of the cybersecurity landscape.”
The Specialist Diploma in Network Security offered by the School of EEE seeks to address the industrial demand for such specialists. The course intends to train and equip students with the practical knowledge and skills of Network Security.
The course will cover the following areas:
- Network Security
- Firewall & Intrusion Prevention
- Wireless Network & Security
- Network Analysis & Forensics
Students will be enrolled into the Cisco Networking Academy and take modules in the CCNA -Security course.
This course aims to train students in the areas of Network Security, Firewall & Intrusion Prevention, Wireless Network & Security, as well as Network Analysis & Forensics. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of Network Security in order to identify the threats and vulnerabilities of computer systems and networks and recommend appropriate counter measures like Firewall and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS).
The Wireless Network and Security module provides students with a complete foundation of knowledge in Wireless Networking and the concepts of wireless security to prevent unauthorised access of wireless networks. Students will also be exposed to network analysis & forensics skills to understand the nature of network security breaches and exploits.
The course will be a one-year part-time (Evenings-only) course comprising of 4 modules and a project. Participants must complete and pass all the four modules and project.
Participants will take 2 modules in each semester. All participants will participate in a project which will be based on the application of knowledge and skills acquired from the other 4 modules. Students may also propose projects based on their work environment and industry.
Each of the modules is 60 hours in duration, requiring 4 hours of contact for 15 weeks (one semester). The total instructional hours for the course are 300 hours (inclusive of project work).
The curriculum consists of 2 post diploma certificates (PDCs). Each PDC comprises a few modules and the details are as follows:
Please Click for Module Synopsis
Semester One
PDC 1 Certificate in Security and Firewall
Module 1 - Network Security (NS)
Module 2 - Firewall and Intrusion Prevention (FIP)
Semester Two
PDC 2 Certificate in Wireless and Forensics
Module 3 - Wireless Network & Security (WNS)
Module 4 - Network Analysis and Forensics (NAF)
Module 5 – Project (PROJ)