LG Year End Partner’s Appreciation Night

LG Year End Partner’s Appreciation Night is a yearly appreciation event planned for LG channel partners support for the whole year and a platform for LG to mingle and build on their relationship with these partners. 

The event also serves to acknowledge partners who have performed well in the past year. Held at Zafferano -Alfresco Terrace, the event brought together a group of over 80 employees and partners of LG. 

The event comprised of an award presentation and breakout sessions with LG partners. 

A team of  Diploma in integrated Events & Project Management (DEPM) students recommended, planned, organised and executed the event. This included sourcing and recommending suitable locations for this event and proposing entertainment activities. 


Guests mingling with one another receiving an award of appreciation
Guests mingling with one another One of LG’s partner receiving an award of appreciation
LG Singapore introducing the new product updates to the guests Winners of the human rock, paper, scissors game
Mr. Jackie Jeong, Head of Business B2B ID Business Department, LG Singapore introducing the new product updates to the guests Winners of the human rock, paper, scissors game
SP Sustainability Matters